
How To Get An Llc Starting Business Form

free llc registration guide (registered limited liability company) is not as difficult as you might think. But it does require a little due diligence on the part of business owners looking for an LLC in their state. Most business owners already have some type of formalized set up for their business, either as an S-Corporation or as a C-Corporation. (Memorandum and Article of Association.)

how to get an llc


If your business name is not already taken, the first step would be to file the Application for Registration of a Business Name with the Secretary of State. The Application may need to be filed in your county, city, or district. (You will have to supply the office with the necessary forms and information.) This is also the first step in how to get an llc.


Next, business owners will need to determine their intent for Forming an LLC, so they will need to provide documentation such as their proposed names, address, capital, sales, and initial financial statements. Most states require that the initial financial statements be submitted and reviewed by a qualified public accountant. Business owners may also be required to submit certain reports, including a current and archived copy of their tax returns. These requirements can vary by state. In addition, business owners will have to pay the filing fee as well as pay a one-time filing fee when starting an LLC.

How to Get an LLC Starting Business Form


When done correctly, the forms and reports should be submitted to the state website for filing. From there, business owners will need to access the forms and submission forms for submitting the appropriate fees. The filing fee will cover the cost of obtaining the business entity certificate from the state website, along with the filing fee and any other applicable state fee. Some states do allow for an automatic renewal based on continuous payment of an annual filing fee.

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Business owners who are self-employed or have any other type of income might consider incorporating their business. However, many self-employed individuals prefer to retain their own LLC because they can control all of the tax aspects and possibly receive a refund. Additionally, incorporating an LLC allows for flexible transferability of profits between LLCs. Because more time is spent on paperwork, and the filing fees are often higher than a sole proprietorship, many small businesses prefer to incorporate rather than retain their own LLC.

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If the business you wish to incorporate already exists, the process is relatively straightforward. The first step is to contact the corporation registry in your state and request a copy of the current articles of incorporation. Many states require the company to file its articles by a specific date, typically 15 days following the filing of its last annual report. Depending on your particular state, these requirements may differ. Once the corporation information has been obtained, the documents can be accessed through the corporation registry.

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For a limited liability corporation, or LLC, the process of incorporating your business is fairly simple. There are three basic steps that must be followed in order to incorporate an LLC. These include filing the Articles of Organization with the secretary of state, paying the filing fee, and paying the corporate taxes. Depending on the type of business entity you are forming, there may be additional requirements.


The third step to incorporating an LLC is to set up the necessary financial structure, including the naming of the LLC's director and officers, as well as its unique business structure, such as whether the business will be operated by a partnership, C corporation, or sole proprietorship. After reviewing the Articles of Organization, any significant changes to the structure of the LLC need to be made in writing. The next step to incorporate an LLC is to choose the location for your new business. If you are incorporating in your personal capacity, you may choose to file your business name in either your personal or your business name, depending on the laws in your particular state.

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