
How To Start A Blog On Instagram - Get Started Fast And Easy

how to start a blog on instagram

If you are new in Instagram or if you have not explored it much then starting a blog on this social networking platform might just do wonders for you. What is so special about this website? How can it help you promote your business?


The website is very easy to get started on. You don't have to know anything about HTML or even have an artistic flair. You can simply sign up and follow the simple instructions provided. In a matter of minutes, you will be ready to start your own blog. It's that easy.


But that's not all. Once your account is created, you can easily update your posts with relevant images from your favorite photo sharing sites like Flickr and Instagram. This means that your audience can have an easy access to what you are saying.

How To Start A Blog On Instagram - Get Started Fast And Easy


However, not everyone knows how to get the most from their blogs. In fact, there are several ways to optimize them so that you can really benefit from them. Some of these are more time-consuming than others. But that doesn't mean that they are impossible to achieve. You just need to put in more effort.


One of the first things you need to consider before doing anything is choosing the right niche. This will be the driving force of your blog. You need to make sure that your chosen niche is something that people are actually searching for online. If you choose a subject that no one is discussing yet, chances are that there won't be any comments or questions posted on your page. At worst, you will receive zero hits and that's the last thing you want.


After you've chosen your niche, make sure that your main photo remains visible top to bottom. This is where you get people's attention right away. Of course, you want to give them reasons to read your blog as well. Add some informative articles on your blog regularly. As you get more comfortable with posting, you can add a few interviews with other bloggers who are famous in their own rights.


Next, get yourself a blog name. Choose something that is search engine friendly and that reflects what your blog has to offer. For example, if you are writing about travel, pick a name related to travel. If you are running a blog about beauty products, then pick a name relating to beauty products.


Finally, make your blog look good. Most people use Instagram to upload photos, so it's important that yours looks nice too. There are many different elements that go into making a blog look good. With the tips above, you can get started on How To Start A Blog on Instagram and start seeing results almost immediately.


Start publishing posts. You have just created a blog, so it's time to start publishing posts. You want to get lots of content out there. It's best to post content to your blog throughout the day, but you should also take the chance to post content from other websites that you like.


Keep track of your stats. You want to monitor the number of views your blog gets as well as the comments. The comments are the reason people come back to your blog, so you want to be able to interact with them.


Retweet posts. The most popular social media site right now is Twitter, so you should definitely follow people who are tweeting about the things you are tweeting about. Retweeting is a great way to promote your blog as well. You should also send followers to the RSS feed of your posts if you are using one of the various services like FeedBurner to provide you with RSS feeds.


Use Facebook and Google+ to promote your blog. Both of these sites have millions of people who log in each day. If you have an Instagram account already, you should use it to promote your blog. This will help you get more eyes on your posts, which leads people to click your links and possibly sign up for your mailing list.

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